A safe space for men to gather in community connect with men who have aligned purpose in seeking their highest self, confront your deepest shadows and celebrate your acheivments, come step into this space of brotherhood and accountability so you can begin to live your life unapologetically free.

release what no longer serves


Step into the sacred spaces , lay down your weight and allow the brotherhood to hold the space for you to step into your edge and bring healing to your beining and stepping into the greatest version of yourself.

A space to see and be seen.


Allow your brother to witness you raw without any of the mask we may wear for society. May we be the mirros for them as they are for us. its time to step into the fire with your brothers and forge something new.

A brotherhood like no other


Come to release what no longer serves and just be authentically you ! be supported in a judgement free space by brothers that see you as you are. Through our monthly in person councils & online containers the medicine of brotherhood is always and ever flowing.

We walk beside you in this work

Embodied Leadership

We dont just lead in this work we step into the fire with you to forge ourselves into the men that this world needs shoulder to shoulder . supporting one another through accountablilty and vulnerbility.


Stay connected , follow our IG, shoot us an email with any questions or join our brotherhood chat here

Sacred Connections

September Meets !

Group photo of online mens council for The NYCMC

Online Council
September 18th 9pm -10 pm (est)
register here

In-person council
Reflexion Dance & Fitness
Astoria queens
Come join us for a morning of connection, vulnerbility,& support with a group of like minded men , regardless of what you seek weather its community or support we trust you will find what you need . we saved a spot for you!
September 29th 5pm-7pm
register here

October Meets !

Online Council
October 16th 9pm -10:30 pm (est)
register here

Nick K

I am a champion of mental wellness. I strive to create safe, conducive spaces that encourage open dialogue, emotional exploration, and profound connections at both the personal and interpersonal levels.My expertise has enabled dozens of powerful men to navigate their complexities, enhance their self-perception, and uphold true authenticity.With a robust understanding of design thinking, human psychology and leadership dynamics, complemented by an arsenal of innovative tools including art, philosophy, relational tactics and hypnotherapy, I am relentlessly committed to propelling individuals, teams, and the domestic sphere toward realizing their objectives and instigating meaningful, positive transformations.

Nico M

Nicholas from the Bronx emerges as a beacon of spiritual resilience and healing. Through the shadows of his deepest depressions, he discovered solace in the profound practice of Reiki. His journey not only became a personal odyssey but also a calling to bring this transformative modality to others.In the heart of his community, Nicholas recognized a void in spiritual guidance and men's work. With a keen sense of purpose, he stepped into the role of a men's work facilitator and mentor. It's not just a profession for him; it's a mission, a commitment to guide others through the labyrinth of their own struggles.Yet, beyond the realms of his spiritual calling, Nicholas dons the roles of a devoted father and partner. His life is a testament to service, a symphony of spiritual depth and earthly connections, as he walks the path guided by faith and a profound commitment to making a meaningful impact on those around him.

JonathanA former construction site supervisor turned wellness advocate, I embarked on my transformative journey after quitting alcohol and finding new ways to tackle life. Embracing Yoga and Breath work, I’m now a certified 200RYT Yoga instructor. I have also completed LT-1 training through Sacred Sons. I currently help lead men’s circles and events in the NY & NJ areas. My aim is to provide a safe haven for those who, like me felt like outsiders when first stepping onto the yoga mat and into healing circles. My mission is to redefine wellness and inclusivity in a space where everyone can find belonging.

Useful tools for you


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